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06 October 1900 Beaufort, Victoria

767 works

No title (Courtyard) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Courtyard) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Courtyard) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Ruined abbey) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Bear in zoo) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Bethseda place) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Port) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mountain scene) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Building, Venice) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Exterior of building, Venice) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Building) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Family outside castle) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mountain scene) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Couple outside house) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Queen Salate) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Queen Salate and Dr Wood) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The Honorable R.G. Menzies, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mr R. G. Casey with pipe, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mr R. G. Casey with pipe, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Albert Namatjira, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Alice Springs school, Northern Territory) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Alice Springs school, Northern Territory) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes and their nurse) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes with dog) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes with dog) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Royal Prince with bicycle) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Royal Prince with bicycle) C. Stuart TOMPKINS