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01 March 1886 Pöchlarn, Lower Austria, Austria
22 February 1980

49 works

Self-portrait Oskar KOKOSCHKA Europaeische Graphik V Eduard BARGHEER; Otto DIX; Erich HECKEL; Oskar KOKOSCHKA; Hans PURRMANN; Emy ROEDER Athena ready to depart for Ithaka - The Odyssey No III Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena guides Odysseus to the Palace - The Odyssey No VIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Sacrifice in Hades - The Odyssey No XIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus' arrival on Ithaka - The Odyssey No XIX Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena reveals Ithaka to Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA An Omen for Telemakhos - The Odyssey No XXIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus fight with Iros the beggar - The Odyssey - No XXXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope's dream - The Odyssey No XXXV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus asks Queen Arete for protection - The Odyssey No 9 Oskar KOKOSCHKA Tanyalos and Sisyphos - The Odyssey No XV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus and Telemakhos meeting in Eumaios' hut - The Odyssey NoXXV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope and Eurynome - The Odyssey No XXXII Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Revels of the servantmaids - The Odyssey No XXXVI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Hermes flying to Kalypso's Island - The Odyssey No IV Oskar KOKOSCHKA In Polyphemos' cave - The Odyssey No XI Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Watchdogs attack Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXII Oskar KOKOSCHKA After the slaying of the suitors - The Odyssey No XXXIX Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Minstrel Demodokos sings of Odysseus - The Odyssey No X Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Seirenes - The Odyssey No XVI Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Suitors rush yo the harbour - The Odyssey No XXVI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus mocked by Melanthios - The Odyssey No XXVIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Kalypso and Odysseus - The Odyssey No V Oskar KOKOSCHKA Kirke turning the men into swine - The Odyssey No XII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Eupeithes calling for revenge - The Odyssey No XXXXIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Council of the Gods - The Odyssey No II Oskar KOKOSCHKA Skylla and Kharybdis - The Odyssey No XVII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope chides the suitors - The Odyssey No XXVII Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Dog Argos recognizes Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXIX Oskar KOKOSCHKA
2 pages12