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Nicolaes BERCHEM


84 works

The Piper UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Three sheep (A Woman's Sketchbook II) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Shepherd pointing at a stone wall Jan de VISSCHER; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Goats (A Man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Mounted herdsman with cattle and two women crossing a stream Jan de VISSCHER; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Goats UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Goats (A Man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Landscape (A large rock against which a woman leans, two cows ...) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Embarquement de Vivres UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Shepherd Resting UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Goats (A Man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Titlepage: Diversa Animalia Quadrupedia UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Landcape (Peasants mounted on asses) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) The Footbridge UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Landscape UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Cattle in a pond (the drover with his dog in the water to the right UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Goat and two kids (A Man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Head of a goat UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Landscape UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Shepherd pointing at a stone wall Jan de VISSCHER; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Shepherd and a dog (A man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Pissing ewe (A Woman's Sketchbook II) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Animalia (A shepherd with his dog), titlepage Nicolaes BERCHEM
3 pages123