Collection Online


03 August 1621 Nancy, France
11 October 1691

23 works

Veue du Chasteau de Versailles, du coste du Jardin Israël SILVESTRE Chasteau de Versailles, Veu de la Gande Place Israël SILVESTRE Third day- Theatre in the middle of the large pond Israël SILVESTRE Plan General du Chasteau, et du Petit Parc de Versailles Israël SILVESTRE Frontispiece for Pleasures of the Enchanted Isle, or the festivals and entertainments of the King at Versailles, held across three days and commencing 7 May 1664 Israël SILVESTRE; Jean Le PAUTRE View and perspective of the Palace of Versailles, from within the outer courtyard Israël SILVESTRE First day – Parade of the King, with his knights Israël SILVESTRE First day- Companions of the Four Seasons, with their suite of performers and bearers… Israël SILVESTRE Plan du Chateau de Versaille avec tous les Appartements Israël SILVESTRE Chasteau Royal de Versailles, Veue du Milieu de la Grande Avenue Israël SILVESTRE First day – Pageant of the King, with his knights… Israël SILVESTRE; Jean Le PAUTRE Premiere Journee - Festin du Roy, et des Reynes..... Israël SILVESTRE Royal Palace of Versailles, view of the outer courtyard Israël SILVESTRE View of the Palace of Versaille from the aisle of water and the dragon fountain Israël SILVESTRE Third day – Disintegration of the palace and enchantments of the Island of Alcine, represented by a fireworks display Israël SILVESTRE; Jean Le PAUTRE Second day – Performance in the same pathway of the comedy-ballet La Princesse d’Elide Israël SILVESTRE; Jean Le PAUTRE First day – Ring joust contested by the King and his knights as Ruggiero and his knights ... Israël SILVESTRE; Jean Le PAUTRE The Fountain UNKNOWN; Israël SILVESTRE (after) View of the Palace of Versailles and the two aisles from the Gardens Israël SILVESTRE View and Perspective of the Palace of Versaille from the side of the Orangery Israël SILVESTRE Palace of Versailles, View of the forecourt. Israël SILVESTRE Veue et Perspective du Chasteau de Versailles, du coste de L'entree Israël SILVESTRE View of the Palace, the Gardens, and the town of Versailles from the Pond side Israël SILVESTRE