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Australian Photography (9,440)

29th March. In the early hours of the morning AMAX return with a police escort. Later that morning, during a long meeting in 45°C heat, Dickie Skinner once more carefully stated the Noonkanbah position - and once more it was rejected Michael GALLAGHER 29th March. In the early hours of the morning AMAX return with a police escort. Later that morning, during a long meeting in 45°C heat, Dickie Skinner once more carefully stated the Noonkanbah position - and once more it was rejected Michael GALLAGHER 28th March. AMAX water drillers return after legal action causes a week's delay. Dickie Skinner (third from the left) asks them to leave Noonkanbah. They do so. One press report stated the Aborigines threatened the driller with spears and boomerangs Michael GALLAGHER 28th March. AMAX water drillers return after legal action causes a week’s delay. Dickie Skinner (third from the left) asks them to leave Noonkanbah. They do so. One press report stated the Aborigines threatened the driller with spears and boomerangs Michael GALLAGHER The Noonkanbah people are given a 'choice' of two drill sites which to them are indistinguishable Michael GALLAGHER 12 August. About 5:30 pm. The convoy arrives. It is given a mock welcome after news of an ACTU black ban on working the rig Michael GALLAGHER 12th August. 8 am. Police break up a roadblock for the convoy at Mickey's Pool Creek. Twenty-two arrested Michael GALLAGHER 12th August. 8 am. Police break up a roadblock for the convoy at Mickey's Pool Creek. Twenty-two arrested Michael GALLAGHER 12th August. 8 am. Police break up a roadblock for the convoy at Mickey's Pool Creek. Twenty-two arrested Michael GALLAGHER A delegation tries unsuccessfully to deliver the proclamation to the senior police officer at the drill site Michael GALLAGHER 10th August. Noonkanbah is proclaimed Aboriginal land Michael GALLAGHER 18th March. AMAX arrives to begin their drilling program but are told by Ivan McPhee to get off Noonkanbah. AMAX refuse to leave, claiming the legal right to drill, and are escorted to the drill site by police Michael GALLAGHER 25th July 1980. AMAX arrives a fourth time, and stays several months. Aborigines blocking the road to the site are told that the road through Noonkanbah and the drill site have been resumed by the Government. AMAX makes their camp Michael GALLAGHER 25th July 1980. AMAX arrives a fourth time, and stays several months. Aborigines blocking the road to the site are told that the road through Noonkanbah and the drill site have been resumed by the Government. AMAX makes their camp Michael GALLAGHER 25th July 1980. AMAX arrives a fourth time, and stays several months. Aborigines blocking the road to the site are told that the road through Noonkanbah and the drill site have been resumed by the Government. AMAX makes their camp Michael GALLAGHER 18th April. Aboriginal people from all over the Kimberley gather at Noonkanbah for a meeting of the Kimberley Land Council Michael GALLAGHER 18th April. Aboriginal people from all over the Kimberley gather at Noonkanbah for a meeting of the Kimberley Land Council Michael GALLAGHER 18th April. Aboriginal people from all over the Kimberley gather at Noonkanbah for a meeting of the Kimberley Land Council Michael GALLAGHER 2nd April. 6am. Ivan McPhee tells the AMAX man to get off Noonkanbah. Five hours later, after much more talk, the drillers pack up and leave Michael GALLAGHER 2nd April. 6am. Ivan McPhee tells the AMAX man to get off Noonkanbah. Five hours later, after much more talk, the drillers pack up and leave Michael GALLAGHER 2nd April. 6am. Ivan McPhee tells the AMAX man to get off Noonkanbah. Five hours later, after much more talk, the drillers pack up and leave Michael GALLAGHER 1st April. Dusk. A large group from Noonkanbah visit the site for an hour with two politicians, John Dawkins and Stuart West. Later that night the Noonkanbah people returned with their swags Michael GALLAGHER 18th March. AMAX arrives to begin their drilling program but are told by Ivan McPhee to get off Noonkanbah. AMAX refuse to leave, claiming the legal right to drill, and are escorted to the drill site by police Michael GALLAGHER Circular Quay, Sydney Charles BAYLISS Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier in Lady of the camellias Athol SHMITH Mob of 1000 bullocks crossing Darling River near Wilcannia (second view) Charles BAYLISS Lake Menindee (panorama) Charles BAYLISS Group of Aborigines, Dunlop Station Charles BAYLISS Distant view of Jondra Rocks Charles BAYLISS On Toorale Station, Darling River Charles BAYLISS