Collection Areas

Australian Prints (11,254)

Mt Lyell (Expanded field / Elsewhere) 9th state Raymond ARNOLD Personage and factory smoke George BALDESSIN Whyalla, South Australia C. Dudley WOOD Goodenia ramosissima (now Scaevola ramosissima) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Embothrium sericeum (now Grevillea sericea) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Mimosa myrtifolia (now Acacia myrtifolia) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Platylobium formosum UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Mimosa hispidula (now Acacia hispidula) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Embothrium buxifolium (now Grevillea buxifolia) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Pultenaea stipularis James SOWERBY Embothrium speciosissimum (now Telopea speciosissima) UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Pimelea linifolia UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Tetratheca juncea UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Billardiera scandens UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Eucalyptus robusta UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Embothrium silaifoliu (now Lomatia silaifolia) James SOWERBY Banksia spinulosa UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Styphelia tubiflora UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) Ceratopetalum gummiferum UNKNOWN (draughtsman); James SOWERBY (etcher) A Natural History of the Birds of New South Wales John LEWIN This day in history #3 Locust JONES A week in the life of the world Locust JONES Sentinel Imants TILLERS Not titled (Handel's Amadigi / Opera Theatre Company of Ireland / Princess Theatre) Vivienne SHARK LeWITT Not titled (Melbourne Festival. Herring Island Environmental Sculpture Park) Andy GOLDSWORTHY The superimposed footprint (after Margaret Preston) Gordon BENNETT Not titled (The Gate Theatre – Waiting for Godot) Rick AMOR The habit of leaves Helen WRIGHT Pills Helen WRIGHT Lofty garden Robert JACKS