Collection Areas

Australian Prints (11,254)

Untitled I John WALKER Drawing (Giant scratching head) Peter BOOTH Fragments et grain de pollen de Novalis Petr HEREL Drawing (Large highly coloured face in street) Peter BOOTH Myer sketch book:(larger) Sybil CRAIG Black sketch book II Sybil CRAIG Portrait with standing figure and images Sydney BALL Sunset, Mt Earnshaw, New Zealand Samuel MORETON Election 2013 Juan DAVILA It's time Emily FLOYD Public fitting, Schooltime, Be an artist, Coincidence, You, Alienation, Disclosure, ESP Tim JOHNSON Finke River anabranch John WOLSELEY Poppies Tim MAGUIRE After the fire, I - The fresh earth beams forth ten thousand springs of life (Blake) John WOLSELEY You ask me about that country group (5) Sangeeta SANDRASEGAR You ask me about that country group (6) Sangeeta SANDRASEGAR Untitled set of 2 etchings Shaun GLADWELL Untitled (Series of four works) Terry WILLIAMS You ask me about that country group (4) Sangeeta SANDRASEGAR There is no desert but was once a name John WOLSELEY Let me feel the pillars on which the house rests Warren BRENINGER Study for Dunes crossing Finke River John WOLSELEY An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales: with Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Native Inhabitants of that Country. To which are added, some particulars of New Zealand; compiled, by permission, from the Mss. of Lieutenant-Governor King David COLLINS (author) Woodblock print on chine collé paper and Huon Pine slab John WOLSELEY Bruno Leti - Works on paper 1972-1992 Bruno LETI Arthur Streeton letter to Tom Roberts Arthur STREETON OK/KO Laith McGREGOR Buried painting – Woomera John WOLSELEY Estuarine mangrove swamp John WOLSELEY Gosse Bluff scree John WOLSELEY