Collection Areas Contemporary Art (2,223) 52 Portraits Brook ANDREW 52 shopping lists found while working in a Melbourne supermarket Kenny PITTOCK City walkers. Julian OPIE The exquisite pirate (Oceania) Sally SMART Between river and lake GUAN Wei The field Imants TILLERS 20 frog poems: Hill song (floury baker) for G. B. Robert MacPHERSON Twenty-two paintings (Breathing for Biagio walking) Domenico de CLARIO "O" Geoffrey TODD Landscape Tony CLARK Melancholy landscape I Imants TILLERS Happy little buddle Lindy LEE Ten Surprise boxes: Christmas carols: Away in a manger Stuart DEVLIN A strategy to infiltrate the homes of the bourgeoisie Emily FLOYD Horse X William TUCKER Windows in the water David WILSON Fireworks William PERRIN Cell (Glass spheres and hands) Louise BOURGEOIS CIXI Jock CLUTTERBUCK Andromeda Lenton PARR Perseus Lenton PARR Angel Deborah HALPERN No. 451 Robert KLIPPEL Mouseketeers (Ship of fools) Ian HOWARD No. 646 Robert KLIPPEL The messenger Geoffrey BARTLETT Scale model of Antipodean L.A.X. (Plus) installation Marr GROUNDS Public projects (Fiction) Peter CRIPPS Evening veil Donald GORE Metamorphosis I Clifford LAST 75 pages12345678910111213