Collection Areas

International Prints Drawings (16,536)

Self-portrait Pietro TESTA A cavalry fight REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Mill near the Grand Chartreuse, Dauphiny Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Procris and Cephalus Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) The River Seine at the bend of the mall Renier NOOMS Migration Sergio GONZALEZ-TORNERO Rembrandt's Wife Saskia, with Pearls in her Hair, Bust REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Phoenix Ben SHAHN Head Study, Roma Emilio GRECO Giorgione (Self-portrait as David with the Head of Goliath) Wenceslaus HOLLAR; GIORGIONE (after) Charles V of Austria UNKNOWN La Cathedrale Engloutie No 3 Cerí RICHARDS Liverdun James McNeill WHISTLER Depart de la Chaloupe Anne-Philiberte COULET; Joseph VERNET Walnuts in bowl Mario AVATI San Paolo Fuori le Mura: Interior Giovanni Battista PIRANESI Athena ready to depart for Ithaka - The Odyssey No III Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena guides Odysseus to the Palace - The Odyssey No VIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Sacrifice in Hades - The Odyssey No XIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus' arrival on Ithaka - The Odyssey No XIX Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena reveals Ithaka to Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA An Omen for Telemakhos - The Odyssey No XXIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus fight with Iros the beggar - The Odyssey - No XXXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope's dream - The Odyssey No XXXV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus strings the bow - The Odyssey No XXXVII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Another parting - The Odyssey No XXXXII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Little Evelyn James McNeill WHISTLER Cupid and Psyche George BAXTER Die Fahne Hoch Frank STELLA Alvaro Bazan, Marqués de Santa Cruz Paulus PONTIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after)