Collection Areas International Prints Drawings (16,562) The legislative belly. View of the ministerial benches in the improstituted house of 1834. Honoré DAUMIER Nathaniel Spens UNKNOWN; Henry MACBETH-RAEBURN (after) Gulli II Anders ZORN Woman Sewing Josef ISRAËLS The gypsy fortune teller Paul SANDBY Christ and the woman of Samaria UNKNOWN; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Venus UNKNOWN; TITIAN (after) The Comic Almanac for 1834 C.J. GRANT Lord Paget UNKNOWN Untitled Marcus Antonius Franc. BONON Tudor Farm House, with Laborer David COX Salvatore Rosa UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Holy Family resting UNKNOWN; Federico BAROCCI (after) Europa on the bull UNKNOWN; Simon da PESERO (after) Rape of Europa UNKNOWN; Simon da PESERO (after) Untitled Francois DIODATI King Solomon serving false gods UNKNOWN; N VLEUGHELS (after) Vessel carrying lady gardener with pouch (Gefasstragende gartnerin) Jacques BELLANGE Venus Sebald BEHAM L' Usuriere UNKNOWN; F.A. KRAUS (after) A reclining ewe with two lambs Nicolaes BERCHEM Two sheep Nicolaes BERCHEM Goat Standing Seen From The Back, And Two Other Goats Nicolaes BERCHEM A Shorn Ewe With Two Lambs Nicolaes BERCHEM Titlepage: Animalia ad vivum delineata et aqua forti aeri...' Nicolaes BERCHEM Two Goats, One Sitting To The Right Nicolaes BERCHEM Mountainous landscape with two mules (Four vertical Landscapes) Jan BOTH Untitled - Illustrated Bible 1550-80 Andre (?) BERNARD, (LE PETIT) A Panel with a vase and a pair of nesting birds Benigno BOSSI The Piper UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) 553 pages274275276277278279280281282283284285286