Collection Areas

International Prints Drawings (16,562)

No Smoking George BRECHT; George MACIUNAS (designer) Fluxus/La Cédille qui sourit/Art Total/Poesie/Action George BRECHT (attributed to) The postman's choice Ben VAUTIER No Art Ben VAUTIER Lennon Tours Ticket: Overnight stay in Bronx Zoo, New York City George MACIUNAS; John LENNON Fluxus wallpaper Yoko ONO; George MACIUNAS Reminiscences George MACIUNAS (designer); Jonas MEKAS (author) Jonas Mekas: Diaries, Notes and Sketches George MACIUNAS (designer); Jonas MEKAS (author) Film Culture #43, Winter 1966: Expanded Arts issue George MACIUNAS (designer); Jonas MEKAS (editor) Communists Must Give Revolutionary Leadership in Culture George MACIUNAS (designer); Henry FLYNT (author) Boycott Peter di Stefano, the Bonebreaking Electrician George MACIUNAS Scorpio Rising at the Film-Makers' Cinematheque George MACIUNAS Card Number [ ] of the Circle of the Angels of the New Cinema admits [ ] to All Screenings at the Film-makers' Cinematheque George MACIUNAS Free Flux-Tours George MACIUNAS Flux-Harpsichord George MACIUNAS Wada's Lip Vibrators George MACIUNAS Fluxpost (Aging men) George MACIUNAS Venus de Milo apron George MACIUNAS Voorhees Assembly Programs, Fall 1973 George MACIUNAS Reminiscences of a Journey Home, a film by George Maciunas and Going Home, a film by Adolfas Mekas and Pola Chapelle George MACIUNAS This Is Not Here by Yoko Ono George MACIUNAS Flux Fest Kit 2 George MACIUNAS The New Voorhees Assembly Programs, Douglass College, Fall 1970 George MACIUNAS Film-Makers' Cinematheque December 1968 program George MACIUNAS Film-Makers' Cinematheque July 1968 program George MACIUNAS Film-Makers' Cinematheque July 1968 program George MACIUNAS Fluxus 301: Silver tattoos George MACIUNAS Fluxus 301: Gold tattoos George MACIUNAS One-time screening of Lenny Bruce at the Village Theatre George MACIUNAS Lenny Bruce at Village Theatre, February 17, 1967 George MACIUNAS