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International Prints Drawings (16,562)

Performance book Akio SUZUKI Air routes of Britain (Night and day) Ben LANGLANDS; Nikki BELL The invasion William HOGARTH In the cornfield Albert Ernest BROCKBANK The Lame foot John PEDDER Field Sports &c. &c. of the Native Inhabitants of New South Wales Matthew DUBOURG (engraver); John HEAVISIDE CLARK (draughtsman) Etching no. 13 Pierre SOULAGES Dairy Queen Interior Ralph GOINGS Wild tulip wallpaper MORRIS & CO., London (distributor); William MORRIS (designer) Vari Capricci Giambattista TIEPOLO; Giuseppe Maria dal PIAN An empire of silly statistics...a fake war for public relations Eduardo PAOLOZZI Why children commit next month's issue Eduardo PAOLOZZI Transparent creatures hunting new victims Eduardo PAOLOZZI Synthetic sirens in the pink light district Eduardo PAOLOZZI Calling radio free america Eduardo PAOLOZZI Notes on the organisation of paradise Eduardo PAOLOZZI Cucumber night cream Eduardo PAOLOZZI Almost any suburb Eduardo PAOLOZZI Animals as aliens Eduardo PAOLOZZI Totems and taboos of the nine-to-five Day Eduardo PAOLOZZI New semester reward of the oppressed Eduardo PAOLOZZI Inside down under...what are the building blocks of structuralism? Eduardo PAOLOZZI Galignani's New Paris Guide UNKNOWN The Elf - Summer, from the series The Elf - A sequence of the Seasons, 1895-1902 James GUTHRIE The Elf - Winter Number, from the series The Elf - A sequence of the Seasons, 1895-1904 James GUTHRIE Fables of Aesop and others UNKNOWN; AESOP (author) The Science of Drawing, being one in a progressive series of The Characteristic Forms of Nature. Part I - Trees. Frank HOWARD Lines, not long, not heavy, not touching, drawn at random (circle) Sol LEWITT Iris field Shusaku ARAKAWA Industry and Idleness William HOGARTH