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Thallon's Ledger Transcription


Jan 16,
1 frame 4/2" Paid 6/2/01
0' 20" x 0' 15" (508mm x 381mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Member width: 4.5"
Frame sketch type: Cassetta
Frame sketch main features: Torus ornament, bevel slight
Price: 1-5
Feb 27,
Bringing pictures from V. A. S. (Victorian Artists’ Society) to studio
Price: 0-4
No date,
c. 1901
1 frame (canvas, referring to dimensions). Dark. A/c sent to Chas Alkins Esq of Chas Alkins + Boy oil merchants Flinders St City
0' 50" x 0' 30" (1270mm x 762mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Frame sketch type: Garland
Frame sketch main features: Bevel slip
Price: 3-10
Apr 13,
Clearing + unpacking four oil paintings from Ashtons New Society + delivering to Studio. Freight. Cartage. Wharfage. C. Entry. Van Hired.
Clearing one large picture from wharf. Unpacking + forwarding to Studio. Van Hired. Freight. Wharfage. C. Entry. Cartage.
Clearing + unpacking 6 miniatures from wharf from Ashton’s New Society. Freight. Wharfage. C. Entry. Cartage
Returned on the 15th February. Clearing + unpacking one picture from Wharf from Dapne’s Old Society. Freight. Cartage. C. Entry. Wharfage.
Research note: No price given.
Apr 16,
To H. W. Callan’s charges at Sydney for taking pictures from both exhibitions packing + putting on board steamer, wharfage, cartage etc 14/6 To freight from Sydney to Melbourne from both exhibitions 1-8-6 To my charges here for clearing from wharf wharfage cartage from wharf unpacking + delivering to studio 11/6
Price: 2-14-6
To H. W. Callan’s charges at Sydney for unpacking 6 miniatures 2/6 To freight from Sydney 4/- To my charges here for unpacking clearing etc 2/6
Price: 0-9-1
To H. W. Callan’s charges for packing etc 2/- To freight from Sydney 3/6 To my charges for clearing + unpacking etc 1 picture 1/6
Price: 0-7-1
Jun 25,
Remetaling one picture frame
Price: 0-3
Research note: to be charged abrhams (sic)
Jun 18,
Van hired
Price: 0-2-6
Aug 13,
Cutting down one large frame. Repairing and part regilding. 10 f + 7 outside 12" moulding
8' 0" x 4' 11.75" (2438.4mm x 1517.65mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 9-10