Cutting down 1 walnut frame + glass
0' 53" x 0' 33" (1346.2mm x 838.2mm)
Rebate sight external: Unknown
Price: 0-15-6
Oct 31,
c.1891-1895 |
Cutting down 1 walnut frame + glass 0' 53" x 0' 33" (1346.2mm x 838.2mm)
Rebate sight external: Unknown Price: 0-15-6
Supplying 1 glass frame 0' 53" x 0' 33" (1346.2mm x 838.2mm)
Rebate sight external: Unknown Price: 3-18-6 Research note: Total: 4-14
Oct 16,
c.1891-1895 |
1 frame 33 f 6 7' 11.5" x 5' 9" (2425.7mm x 1752.6mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 9-18
1 do 12 f 1 2' 3.25" x 1' 10.25" (692.15mm x 565.15mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 3-12
1 do 10 f 8 1' 9.75" x 1' 6.75" (552.45mm x 476.25mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 3-6
3 tablets + writing Price: 0-13-6 Research note: Total: 17-9-6
Dec 18,
c.1891-1895 |
8 gilt tablets + writing Price: 1-12
Mar 04,
c.1892-1896 |
Touching up + repairing five picture frames at government house Price: 1-1
Mar 20,
c.1892-1896 |
Repairing 1 frame Price: 0-10-6
Oct 28,
c.1892-1896 |
Supplying 3 gilt tablets + writing Price: 0-13
Mar 25,
c.1893-1897 |
Framing 1 painting excot (?) 13f [15] 7 1/2 Watts frame 3'0" x 2'3" (mm x mm)
Price: 4-17-6 Research note: Likely to be the frame on James Quinn, Sandro Botticelli (after), The Virgin and Child with the young St John the Baptist, (c. 1897), NGV.
Inscription in pencil: 19 March paid carr (?) 2/- for urity (?).
This art work in the NGV collection
Do 1 study from life 4 1/2 oak with gilt flat Member width: 4.5" Frame sketch type: Flat Frame sketch main features: Bevel sight edge Price: 1-0
Do 1 study from life 4 1/2 oak with gilt flat 0' 28.75" x 0' 23.5" (730.25mm x 596.9mm)
Rebate sight external: Unknown Price: 1-0
C (?) green 2 G. Du Maunuir (?) F. Hool. J. W. North Price: 0-9-6
2 gilt tablets + writing 8 + 4 Price: 0-10-6
3 small gilt tablets + writing Price: 0-5
Regilding 1 small frame Price: 0-3
Writing on 3 oak frames Price: 0-7
Supplying stretching frame + tacking on canvas Price: 0-4 Research note: Total: 8-16-6
No date,
c.1893-1897 |
1 frame imitation mottled frame 5 1/4 oak ground new laurel. 0' 30" x 0' 18" (762mm x 457.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R Research note: No price given
Apr 02,
c.1893-1897 |
Cutting down + fitting in frames 5 crayon drawing Price: 0-10 Research note: Pencil inscription above: Trustees meetings last Thursday in the month
c.1893-1897 |
Repairing + touching up frames in pictures gallery. Price: 1-15
Supplying one gilt tablet Price: 0-3-6
Mar 24,
c.1894-1898 |
1 gilt tablet + writing 4 + 2 Price: 0-3
1 gilt tablet + writing 2 f + 5 Price: 1-1
1 oak frame glass and back 0' 14" x 0' 12" (355.6mm x 304.8mm)
Rebate sight external: Unknown Price: 0-3-6
Framing + fitting up 1 pen + ink (illegible) + writing name Price: 0-5-6
Writing on frame — Burn-Jones Price: 0-2
Do — Griffiths (?) Price: 0-2
Do — Langhtor (?) Price: 0-4
Do — Gregory Price: 0-2-6
Do — Meldeau (?) Price: 0-2
Do — Green Price: 0-2-6
Do — Abbey Price: 0-2
Do — North Price: 0-1-6
Do — Soloman Price: 0-1-6
Altering tablet Price: 0-2-6
Supplying own gilt mount writing + fitting up Price: 0-10-6
Repairing one gilt mount + fitting up Price: 0-5 Research note: Total: 3-10