Stretching + framing one certificate
Price: 0-5-1
Dec 24,
1901 |
Stretching + framing one certificate Price: 0-5-1
Jan 03,
1902 |
Collecting picture from Albert St to Shop + packing same + forwarding to steamer. Cartage from V.A.S (Victorian Artists’ Society) to shop 3/1, repacking same + sending to steamer 5/- Price: 0-8-1 Research note: Second date listed: 31 Dec 1901
Feb 12,
1902 |
Collecting picture from studio + case from V.A.S (Victorian Artist’s Society) packing same + forwarding to rly station for Bendigo. Van hired 4/6 Pierce 10/1 Price: 0-14-7
Mar 25,
1902 |
Delivering one picture from shop to studio + two from Princess Theatre to studio Queensberry St. Price: 0-3-6
No date,
c. 1902 |
Collecting two pictures from V.A.S (Victorian Artists’ Society) packing + forwarding to steamer 2 trips cartage 5/1 Price: 0-9-1
Jul 08,
1902 |
1 frame. Dark. 8" wide 0' 72" x 0' 32" (1828.8mm x 812.8mm)
Rebate sight external: R Member width: 8" Frame sketch type: Reverse cassetta Frame sketch main features: Torus ornament and bevel sight Price: 6-5
Jul 02,
1902 |
Collecting two large pictures from steamer to shop. Unpacking same + forwarding to the exhibition. Freight 5/- Cartage 2/6 Cartage from shop to exhibition 3/1 Price: 0-14
Jul 28,
1902 |
Taking 3 pictures from V.A.S (Victorian Artists’ Society) exhibition + delivering to studio. Price: 0-14
Oct 25,
c. 1888 |
1 sent / 2 frames / 1 Dec 7th 0' 36" x 0' 28" (914.4mm x 711.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 5-7
2 sent / 2 --- (frames) / only joined other shop 0' 41" x 0' 24" (1041.4mm x 609.6mm)
Price: 10-14
1 sent / 2 --- (frames) / 1 Dec 7th 0' 36" x 0' 24" (914.4mm x 609.6mm)
Price: 5
1 --- (frame) / no flat 0' 30" x 0' 18" (762mm x 457.2mm)
Price: 3-18
1 --- (frame) / no flat Dec 7th 0' 24" x 0' 16" (609.6mm x 406.4mm)
Price: 3-10
2 sent / 2 --- (frame) / no flat only joined other shop 0' 30" x 0' 20" (762mm x 508mm)
Price: 7-16
Oct 30,
c. 1888 |
franks time cutting out rabbet / 3 hours 0' 36" x 0' 28" (914.4mm x 711.2mm)
Price: No price
Feb 14,
c. 1889 |
(crossed out - "1 sent April 6") / 2 sent / 3 frames Rolando Mo / 1 sent May 1st / 15 feet 8inc each 0' 41" x 0' 24" (1041.4mm x 609.6mm)
Rebate sight external: R Research note: Price "5-7" crossed out. One of a number of entries that could refer to the frame on Charles Rolando, (Landscape with rainbow), c. 1889, NGV. This art work in the NGV collection
3/2 of these sent feb 14 / one of these bronzed (crossed out) 0' 36" x 0' 28" (914.4mm x 711.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 10-14
Feb 22,
c. 1889 |
1 packing case 77 X 56 inside 14 deep / Bills time 10 0' 77" x 0' 56" (1955.8mm x 1422.4mm)
Rebate sight external: E Price: 2-2
packing 2 pictures at St Kilda + putting same on boat steamer Price: 1-13
2 gilt tablet and writing Price: 0-12
1 frame 0' 42.25" x 0' 25.5" (1073.15mm x 647.7mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: No price
May 1 (?),
c. 1889 |
1 frame / 42 x 28 R / 16 feet 6 inc 0' 42" x 0' 28" (1066.8mm x 711.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: No price Research note: Month unclear.
Apr 06,
c. 1889 |
2 Do (ditto - "frame") / 26 feet 4 inc in two 0' 30" x 0' 20" (762mm x 508mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 7-16
puting slip on large frame Price: 0-6-6
Jun 26,
c. 1889 |
repairing and gilding parts on frame 41 x 24. 4 hours / 18 leaves gold 0' 41" x 0' 24" (1041.4mm x 609.6mm)
Price: 0-6-6
Feb 22,
c. 1889 |
Melbourne Club
repairing 1 large alhambra frame for Melbourne club Price: 1-1
Apr 03,
c. 1889 |
c/o Hickford & Sons
Henry Jn R.Eckell c/o Hickford & Sons / 1 frame small Rolando Mo partly mounted / small Laurel on top oak ground filet / 10 feet 9 inc 0' 24" x 0' 16" (609.6mm x 406.4mm)
Rebate sight external: R Price: 3-16
12 Jul (?),
c. 1889 |
1 Straight cornice 7 1/2 Mo. 8f 4 Price: 3-17
1 Bay ---- --- --- ("cornice 7 1/2 Mo.") 12f 2 Price: 5-9-6 Research note: Month unclear. Client written as "Robertson & Moffett"