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Thallon's Ledger Transcription


May 18,
sup 2 mounts to water colour drawings & fitting up 1 19 1/4 x 16 1/4 outside 1 18 x 15 outside of mount
0' 19.25" x 0' 16.25" (488.95mm x 412.75mm)
Rebate sight external: E
Price: 0-8
0' 18" x 0' 15" (457.2mm x 381mm)
Rebate sight external: E
Research note: Note by items May 18 and 27 reads "Paid J Weir 16/10/89 by cheque ₤3-6-3"
May 27,
1 frame red pine stained glass & fitting up
0' 14.5" x 0' 10.5" (368.3mm x 266.7mm)
Price: 11-6
1 Do (ditto - frame) for oil picture 5 1/4 mo / deep bevel flat/ cut down & / plate/ glass / 16 1/2 x 11 3/4 st 8 feet 11 inc
0' 16.5" x 0' 11.75 (419.1mm x 298.45mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 2-14
Research note: Note by items May 18 and 27 reads "Paid J Weir 16/10/89 by cheque ₤3-6-3"
Jun 29,
2 black panels polished / to be sent to G. C.
0' 23.5" x 0' 11.5" (596.9mm x 292.1mm)
Price: 0-7
Research note: Client written as "Miss Suthern".
Jul 20,
Mounting 13 photo in cut mounts
Price: 1-6
Aug 09,
1 frame middle flutted mo 1 inc flat
0' 24" x 0' 12" (609.6mm x 304.8mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 1-12
1 do (ditto - "frame") small Rolando mo flat
0' 21" x 0' 14" (533.4mm x 355.6mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 2-14
Research note: Price of "3-3" crossed out
Oct 30,
1 frame cheap mo & narrow flat / Paid J. Weir 30/10/89
0' 23.875" x 0' 11.875" (606.425mm x 301.625mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 0-12
Dec 05,
veneered / 1 oak panel 30 x 13 stained dark & slight / polish
0' 30" x 0' 13" (762mm x 330.2mm)
Price: 0-5-6
Mar 17,
1 frame / wide 4 1/2 in / bevel oak gilt & narrow slip / 8 feet 2 in
0' 20" x 0' 12" (508mm x 304.8mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 1-12
Do (ditto - "frame") 6in wide stained & german slip / 11 feet 2 in
0' 30" x 0' 15" (762mm x 381mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 1-13
Removing from Gordon Buildings to Eastern Hill 14 pictures 1 panel / van & boy
Price: 0-15
Apr 11,
Rep & gilding parts in 8 frames Joe 13 hours Ewing 32 / 12 books
Price: 5-5-6
sup D.g. (Double Gilt) mount 2 B x 6
Price: 0-10
framing 1 water colour key patern & D.g. (Double Gilt) mount / 2B - 16 L(?)
Price: 1-18
restoring 2 oil pictures
Price: 1-10
Jun 20,
Malvern R Malvern
2 frame / 11 ft 10 in / 24 x 20 No 6 Mo with patent flats / pictures to be papered at back ₤5 0 0 each with glass / Paid J Weir August 8/90 by cheque
0' 24" x 0' 20" (609.6mm x 508mm)
Price: 10-
van hire
Price: 0-8
Jun 19,
1 frame ("138 mo" crossed out) / 183 mo / alh. & 1/4 flat / sent Bairsdale (sic - Bairnsdale?) Station by goods train
0' 23.625" x 0' 11.625" (600.075mm x 295.275mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 1-16
making light case for same & sent to Spencer St [Boy]
Price: 0-2-6
Jul 29,
Sending to Richmond for 4 frames 2 with pictures / by van
Price: 0-6
Aug 01,
Making case & packing same & sending to Sydney / Bill 4 hours wood 15/-
Price: 1-10-6
Oct 23,
Bill 1 1/2 Dan 1 1/2 ₤(?) 6 Bill & C a/c
Price: 0-11-6
receiving 2 cases pictures from Sydney unpacking same
Price: 0-4
Research note: Date of "Oct 17" crossed out.
Oct 27,
6(?) Bill & Co a/c
Price: 3-19-6
getting papers signed by magistrate going to coustom (sic - custom?) sheds to identify picture
Price: 0-10
Aug 25,
carriage paid on 2 oil pictures from Bairnsdale
Price: 0-2-6
4 frames middle fluted 1 in flats / 8ft 10 in each / ₤1-16 each
0' 24" x 0' 12" (609.6mm x 304.8mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 7-4
making light case for two & sending to Bairnsdale
Price: 0-4
Nov 24,
(Crossed out - "taking 3 pictures from shop to Grosvenor / Henry 1/2 hour Chs / 1 stretcher 15 1/2 x 12")
0' 15.5" x 0' 12" (393.7mm x 304.8mm)
Price: No price
Research note: Appears to have been cancelled or entered in wrong place.
Dec 03,
repairing & regilding large portrait frame
Price: 4-
Nov 23,
taking things from Grattin (sic - Grattan?) St to Grand Hotel / 1 frame & 4 small parcels(?) / van 5/- Henry 2 hours
Price: 0-8
Dec 03,
1 frame / 8ft2 / cheap O. g. mo with 2 1/2 inc gold flat
0' 24.75" x 0' 9.5" (628.65mm x 241.3mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 1-12
1 frame cheap alh 5 in / 30 x 25 Rt / 13 ft
0' 30" x 0' 25" (762mm x 635mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 3-5
Dec 31,
framing 1 oil picture M__(Molu? Mold?) fluted mo & stretching picture 22 x 13 Rt 8 ft 8 in
0' 22" x 0' 13" (558.8mm x 330.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 2-3
Jan 03,
at Flelctures
1 pedestal in the wood
Price: 0-7