2 frames / Small Rolando 12f4 in each
0' 29.875" x 0' 17.75" (758.825mm x 450.85mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 3-12
Research note: Price written as "3-12" but that is the price per frame - sum below shows total for these 2 frames would be 7-4.
2 do (ditto - "frames")
0' 19.875" x 0' 11.75" (504.825mm x 298.45mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Member width: 2"
Frame sketch type: Bevel slip
Price: 1-6
Research note: Price written as "1-6" but that is the price per frame - sum below shows total for these 2 frames would be 3-12.
1 do (ditto - "frame") / all with (sketch) 1" (written by sight edge) 1/4"(?) (written by top edge) / 9f in each
0' 10.75" x 0' 6.625" (273.05mm x 168.275mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Member width: 2"
Frame sketch type: Bevel slip
Price: 1-12
Research note: Slip sketch appears to relate to multiple frames in the order.