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Thallon's Ledger Transcription


n.d. ,
Price to Waite for frame 51 x 40
0' 51" x 0' 40" (1295.4mm x 1016mm)
Price: 10-10
Dec 20,
1 frame small oak ground 26 x 18 R bevel flat to be sent corner Wellington Parade & Powlet (sic - Powlett) St E.M. / J. Weir by cheque 28 Dec
0' 26" x 0' 18" (660.4mm x 457.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 2-5
Jan 05,
1 Do Do (ditto - "1 frame small oak ground 26 x 18 R bevel flat to be sent corner Wellington Parade & Powlet (sic - Powlett) St E.M.")
0' 26" x 0' 18" (660.4mm x 457.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 2-5
Dec 14,
framing 1 drawing and White mount 37 1/2 x 23 1/2 / 15 feet of mo / 3 1/2 mo with oak ground (sketch) and fixing in drawing with outside frame made of shelving(?)
0' 37.5" x 0' 23.5" (952.5mm x 596.9mm)
Member width: 3 1/2"
Frame sketch type: Flat and bevel
Frame sketch main features: Outer scotia, flat slip
Price: 2-12-6
paterned (sic - patterned?) plate glass for the same 37 1/2 x 23 1/2
0' 37.5" x 0' 23.5" (952.5mm x 596.9mm)
Price: 2-5-6
Supplying 22 mounts
Price: 3-7-9
Making & supplying 1 bavel (bevel?) flat
0' 39.375" x 0' 23.625" (1000.125mm x 600.075mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 1-2-6
Joining 10 frames & supplying glass & back
Price: 12-10
Richards & Franks time fitting up
Price: 2-10
Jan 18,
framing 2 Eng in Black & Gold mo 17 shillings each
Price: 0-17
Research note: Price each, not total.
Unhanging pictures at gallery
Price: 1-14
Feb 21,
Customs House Geelong
Customs House Geelong / bringing 2 pictures from E.H. & packing same for Geelong / 22x26
0' 22" x 0' 26" (558.8mm x 660.4mm)
Price: 0-3
Feb 08,
"acc to be sent to Lomaine"
1 frame small Rolando mo & bevel flat / not mounted / acc to be sent to Lomaine / (crossed out - "bring pictures through customs & sending them to exhibition") / frame Bright Black & flat gold
0' 24" x 0' 20" (609.6mm x 508mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 2-3
patent plate for same
Price: 0-14
Feb 28,
29 Bligh St Sydney
from getting 7 pictures through customs and sending the same to exhibition
Price: 0-6
making case & packing 7 water colours for Sydney
Price: 0-8
23 inc x 20 inc x 7 inc no duty on frames
Price: 0-13
Mar 05,
Barry St Kew
2 frames 1 1/4 oak & gold 21 1/8 x 14 3/8 R 13 feet in two
0' 21.125" x 0' 14.375" (536.575mm x 365.125mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 0-19-6
card board supplyed openings to be cut out
Price: 0-1-6
1 frame 16 mo 30 x 10 3/8 R white mount
0' 30" x 0' 10.375" (762mm x 263.525mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 0-15-6
supplying with 3 openings
Price: no price
Mar 22,
1 frame Rolando mo not mounted 7 feet 3 inc / Paid by cash ₤10 June 19/89
0' 44" x 0' 29.5" (1117.6mm x 749.3mm)
Price: 6-
Mar 09,
1 stretcher
0' 44" x 0' 29.5" (1117.6mm x 749.3mm)
Price: 0-5-6
Apr 02,
1 frame 3 1/4 oak ground & bevel flat 11 feet 8 inc 6/ per foot
0' 24" x 0' 20" (609.6mm x 508mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 3-10
May 07,
1 frame to design 9 inch mo 50 x 40 R 20 feet 10 1/2 inc about 13/ per foot
0' 50" x 0' 40" (1270mm x 1016mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 13-18
Research note: Price of 10-10 crossed out
Apr 23,
taken 5 pictures from Grosvenor Chambers to G.G.
Price: 0-4
repairing 1 frame & making up pattern(?)
Price: 0-1-6
Mar 19,
1 frame oak & gold
0' 27.5" x 0' 21" (698.5mm x 533.4mm)
Rebate sight external: S
Price: 0-10-6
Mar 21,
taking picture from studio to Town Hall van [3/ shillings] & Dick 3/4 hour
Price: 0-5
Mar 22,
taking picture from Town Hall to Studio Van & boy
Price: 0-5
Apr 24,
1 frame 42 x 27 R 5 1/4 mo oak ground dark bevel flat
0' 42" x 0' 27" (1066.8mm x 685.8mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 4-8
n.d. ,
(crossed out - "1 frame 5 1/4 mo dark oak ground 36 x 28 bevel flat")
0' 36" x 0' 28" (914.4mm x 711.2mm)
Price: no price
Apr 23,
taking 4 pictures from Grosvenor Chambers to G. Gallery
Price: 0-4
Apr 30,
Taking 2 pictures from G. Gallery to studio van & boy
Price: 0-4
May 18,
1 piece of wood 38 inc long
Price: 0-1-6
May 15,
framing in Black & Gold mo 1 photo group / paid J. Weir 15/5/89
0' 20" x 0' 17.75" (508mm x 450.85mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 0-10
May 23,
1 wood gilt tablet 4 3/8 x 2 1/8
Price: no price
May 23,
1 frame 5 1/4 mo dark ground 36 x 28 Rt 15 feet 2 inc / wreades (? reeds? wreathes?) on top / bevel flat for Sir W. J. Clark
0' 36" x 0' 28" (914.4mm x 711.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 5-5
Jun 15,
1 do (ditto - "frame") 6 1/2 flutted mo with agg (sic -egg) & tongue 51 1/2 x 38 R moulding/ fluted egg & tongue / & bevel flat 20f2
0' 51.5" x 0' 38" (1308.1mm x 965.2mm)
Rebate sight external: R
Price: 9-
May 29,
500 gold leaf
Price: 1-4
Jun 29,
Bringing frame [Bill] from studio repairing [Joe 1 hour 1/4] & taking to Town Hall [by van 1 leaf gold]
Price: 0-9
Jun 28,
taking picture from studio [by train 2/] to Brighton [time 3 hours] by 2 boys
Price: 0-6
Jul 09,
Taking picture & frame from studio to town hall [van hire]
Price: 0-5