(a) 4.0 cm (centre back) 58.5 cm (sleeve length) (top) (b) 88.5 cm (centre back) 31.5 cm (waist, flat) (skirt) (c) 77.5 × 177.5 cm (irreg.) (shawl) (d) 84.5 (outer circumference) 25.0 × 27.0 cm (hat) (e-f) 33.0 × 16.5 cm (leggings) (g) 82.0 × 38.5 × 0.2 cm (shoulder bag)
(a) label, centre back neckline, woven orange on black polyester: (heart) Linda Jackson (b) label, PR waist, woven orange on black polyester: (heart) Linda Jackson (d) label, centre front, woven black and multicolour on polyester: Linda Jackson / BUSH COUTURE / AUSTRALIA (g) label, inner centre, woven black and multicolour on polyester: Linda Jackson / BUSH COUTURE /