(1) 24.2 × 18.0 cm (image) 26.4 × 18.6 cm (sheet, trimmed to platemark) (2) 24.3 × 17.9 cm (image) 26.5 × 18.3 cm (sheet, trimmed within platemark) (3) 24.2 × 17.7 cm (image) 26.0 × 17.7 cm (sheet, trimmed within platemark) 30.7 × 22.2 cm (backing sheet) (4) 24.0 × 18.1 cm (image) 25.7 × 18.3 cm (sheet, trimmed within platemark)
Catalogue/s Raisonné
New Hollstein 438 ii/ii; Pennington 606 ii/ii, 607-609; Parthey 606-609
(1) printed in ink (in image) l.l.: W Hollar, inu. et fecit Londini 1643 printed in ink (in image) l.r.: I printed in ink l.c.: Spring printed in ink l.l.: Welcom sweet Lady you doe bring / Rich presents of a hopefull Spring printed in ink l.r.: That makes the Earth to looke so greene / As when she first began to teeme (2) printed in ink (in image) l.l.: W: Hollar inu: et fecit, Londini 1644 printed in ink (in image) l.r.: 2 printed in ink l.c.: Summer printed in ink l.l.: Now Phoebus, crowns our Sumer dayes / With stronger heate and brighter rayes printed in ink l.r.: Her louely neck, and brest are bare, / Whilst her fann doth coole the Ayre.\ (3) printed in ink (in image) l.l.: W: Hollar inu et fecit Londini 1644. printed in ink (in image) l.r.: 3 printed in ink l.c.: Autumne printed in ink l.l.: As Autumes fruit doth mourne and wast / And if not pluckt it dropps at last printed in ink l.r.: So of herselfe (she feares) she shall, / If not timely gather'd, fall. (4) printed in ink (in image) l.l.: W. Hollar fecit 1643 printed in ink (in image) l.r.: 4 printed in ink l.c.: Winter printed in ink l.l.: The cold, not cruelty makes her weare / In Winter, furrs and Wild beasts haire printed in ink l.r.: For a smoother skinn at night / Embraceth her with more delight.