inscribed in brush and ink ink u.l.: 已亥春月 / 屺瞻百歲亖年 (translation: in the [cyclical year of] yihai (1995) spring month, Qizhan at the age of one hundred and four years old) stamped in red ink u.l.:屺瞻 (Qizhan: artist seal) / 二瞻老民 (Erzhan laomin: artist’s other name) stamped in red ink c.r.: 門外人 (Menwai ren) (translation: someone who is outside of the door or who has not entered the door) stamped in red ink l.r.: 屺瞻期頤後作 (Qizhan qiyihou zuo ) (translation: done by Qizhan (the artist) after he turned 100 years old) /樂此不疲 (leci bupi ) (translation: taking pleasure in this (i.e. painting) without [ever becoming] tired)