Collection Online
colour digital video, sound
17 min 9 sec
Place/s of Execution
Hobart, Tasmania
ed. 2/10
Accession Number
First Nations Australia
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, NGV Supporters of Indigenous Arts, 2012
Gallery location
Gallery 4
Ground Level, NGV Australia
About this work

‘These floating necklace forms work for me as life preservers, that is, operating perhaps as memory retainers for people on the edge. The wood and the pumice necklaces – Drift and Lifebearer seem very much to be about returning home (to Tasmania) sometime. I feel I can (in my mind’s eye) walk into Townsville beach with these wrapped around me and float into the sea and wash up back in north-east Tasmania. The coal necklace – Seam – is like the weighty lifeblood of ancestry – the coal black materiality of the earth that I haven’t answered or perhaps recognised.’
– Julie Gough, 2005