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earth pigments on Stringybark (Eucalyptus sp.)
89.5 × 40.0 cm
Place/s of Execution
Minjilang, Croker Island, Northern Territory
Accession Number
First Nations Australia
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Gift of Margaret Bullen through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2014
© The Artist/Licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited
Gallery location
Gallery 5
Level 2, NGV Australia
About this work

Jimmy Midjawmidjaw represents slender female Mimih spirits of the Stone Country engaging in a lithesome ceremonial dance. The faces, limbs and torsos of these beings credited with teaching Kunwinjku people how to hunt, make love, dance, sing and paint, are lightly embellished with crisscross and horizontal markings that allude to customary ritual. The positioning of the figures’ arms and feet suggests uninhibited movement, and the clear delineation of their ample breasts accentuates their femaleness. They are painted in the old East Alligator River style, exemplified by rock paintings from Deaf Adder Creek and Nourlangie Rock in Western Arnhem Land.