Collection Online
54.9 × 100.0 × 58.0 cm (overall)
Place/s of Execution
ed. 4/9
cast and punched (diagonally) in base l.l.: Moore / 4/9
punched in left side of base l.r.: H. NOACK BERLIN
Accession Number
International Sculpture
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Gift of Ginny Green, Sandra Bardas OAM family, Vicki Vidor OAM and Bindy Koadlow in memory of their parents Loti Smorgon AO and Victor Smorgon AC through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program, 2014
© Henry Moore/DACS, London. Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia Sydney
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of Digitisation Champion Ms Carol Grigor through Metal Manufactures Limited
Gallery location
Not on display
About this work

Reclining figures were a predominant narrative within Henry Moore’s art over numerous decades, reflecting his long standing interest in the relationship between humanity and the landscape. Many of Moore’s female figures have maternal or ‘Earth Mother’ like qualities, even those which do not include a child. His figurative sculptures often have biomorphic undulations and distortions that reflect their inspiration as found in elements drawn from the landscape, such as weathered tree trunks and rock structures. Reclining figure no. 7 is a superb example of Moore’s late engagement with this narrative dialogue of landscape and the powerful female figure.