Collection Online
(1) 26.7 × 35.5 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.1 cm (plate) 31.0 × 40.7 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(2) 26.9 × 35.8 cm (image) 30.2 × 37.5 cm (plate) 31.0 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(3) 26.7 × 35.3 cm (image) 30.1 × 37.2 cm irreg. (plate) 31.4 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(4) 26.5 × 35.5 cm (image) 29.9 × 37.3 cm (plate) 31.5 × 40.4 cm irreg. (sheet)
(5) 26.7 × 35.8 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.4 cm (plate) 31.3 × 40.3 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(6) 26.7 × 35.6 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.4 cm (plate) 31.4 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(7) 26.3 × 35.5 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.3 cm (plate) 31.5 × 40.7 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(8) 27.0 × 35.3 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.4 cm (plate) 31.8 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet)
(9) 26.7 × 35.3 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.1 cm (plate) 31.3 × 40.7 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed to platemark along top edge)
(10) 27.0 × 35.4 cm (image) 30.0 × 37.3 cm (plate) 31.3 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet)
(11) 26.7 × 35.5 cm (image) 29.8 × 37.3 cm (plate) 31.0 × 40.6 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed within platemark along top edge)
(12) 26.7 × 35.3 cm (image) 29.7 × 37.3 cm (plate) 31.0 × 40.5 cm irreg. (sheet, trimmed within platemark along top edge)
Place/s of Execution
London, England
2nd edition
published by John Boydell, London
(1) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela is represented in this first Piece, writing in her late Lady’s / dreʃsing room, her History being known only by her letters. She is here / surprised by Mr. (. under r) B who improves this occasion to further his designs. / Publish’d, according to Act of Parliament, July 1s.t (. under s) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela est représentée en ce premier tableau écrivant dans les cabinet de / toilette de sa defunte Maitreʃse: son Histoire n’étant connuë que par ses lettres. / elle est surprise par Mr. (. under r) B. qui profite de sette occasion pour pouʃser ses vües.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy sculpsit. / 1.
(2) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Mr. (. under r) B. expostulating with Pamela in the Summer house / after some liberties taken · Mr.s (. under r) Jervis (who is seen through / the Window) having just left her. / Publish’d according to Act of Parliament July 1s.t (. under t) 1762.
printed in ink l.c.: Mr. (. under r) B. tache d’adoucir Pamela apres avoir pris / quelques libertés. Madm.e (. under m) Jervis qui vient de la quitter / est vüe au travers de chaʃsis.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy sculp. / 2
(3) printed in ink l.l.: Jos: Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela swooning, after having discovered Mr. (. under r) B. in the / closet. He (frighted) endeavouring to recover her. Mrs. (. under r) Jervis / wringing her hands, and screaming. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1s.t (. under s) 1762.
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela évanoûie, après avoir découvert Mr. (. under r) B. dans le / cabinet: Lui, effrayé, tâche de la faire revenir; tandis que / (. under m) Jervis, joignant les mains, jette de cris.
printed in ink l.r.: A. Benoist ʃculpsit. / 3.
(4) rinted in in l.l.: Jos. Highmore invt. (.under t) et pinxit. / Pamela having divided her Clothes into three Bundles, in order to leave the House, rejects / that containing her Masters presents, calling it the wicked bundle, & harangues over her own little / Parcel, which she huggs in her arms; this occasions an exclamation from Mrs. (. under r) Jervis: Mr. (. under r) B. in ye. (. under e) Cloʃet. / Published according to Act of Parliament July 1st. (. under s) 1762.
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela ayant separé ses hardes en trois paquets, dans le deʃsein de quitter la maison, / fait un discours touchant au sujet du sien propre, qu’elle tient entre ses bras; ce qui donne lieu à / Madme. (.under m) Jervis de faire des éxclamations Mr. (. under r) B. est aux écoutes dans le Cabinet.
printed in ink l.r.: A. Benoiʃt sculp. / 4
(5) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela setting out in the travelling Chariot (for her Father’, as ʃhe is made to / believe) takes her farewel of Mrs. (. under r) Jervis, and the other servants; Mr. (. under r) B. observing / her from the window; by whose private order she is carried into Lincolnshire. / Published, accordi(…illeg) o Act of Parliament, 1st. (. under s) July 1762.
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela prête à partir dans le caroʃse de voyage (s’imaginant qu’on va la conduire / chez son pere,) prend congé de Madme. (. under m) Jervis et des autres domestiques. Mr. (. under r) B. qui a / donné des ordres secrets pour la mener a son autre maison la regarde de la fenêtre.
printed in ink l.r.: A Benoist. sculp. / 5.
(6) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela, being now in the custody of Mrs. (. under r) Jewkes, seizes an occasion (as they are / walking in the garden) to propose a correspondence with Mr. (. under r) Williams, in order to (flourish) / contrive an Escape, who agree to hide their letters between two tiles near the Sunflower. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1st. (. under s) 1762.
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela, se voyant sous la garde de Madme. (. under m) Jewkes saisit l’occasion, en se promenant dans le jardin, de / proposer une correspondance avec Mr. (. under r) Williams dans la vue de concerter le moyen de s’évader et (flourish) / et pour cet effet ils conviennent ensuit de cacher leurs lettres entre deux tuiles, auprès du Tournesol.
printed in ink l.r.: A Benoist. sculp. / 6.
(7) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela undreʃsing herself (Mrs Jewkes being first got to bed) / while Mr. (. under r) B. disguised in the maids clothes, with the apron thrown / over his face, is impatiently waiting for the execution of his plot. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1st. (. under s) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela déshabille Madme. (. under me) Jewkes étant deja couchée; tandis que / Mr. (. under r) B. déguisé sous les habits de la servante, et le tablier sur le visage, / attend avec impatience le moment d’éxécuter son deʃsin.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy ʃculp. / 7
(8) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela on her knees before her Father, whom ʃhe had discovered behind the door, / having overturn’d the card-table in her way. Sr. (.under r) Simon Darnford, his Lady &c. observing her / with eagerneʃs and admiration. Mr. (. under r) B. struck with this Scene is waiting the Iʃsue. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1st. (. under st) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela à genoux devant ʃon Pere, qu’elle avoit découvert derriere la porte, ayant renversé / la table de jeu en se preʃsant. Le Chevalier Darnford, son Epouse, et les autres la regardent avec émotion, et admiration, pendant que Mr. under r) B. frappé de cette scène, en attend l’iʃsue.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy sculpsit. / 8.
(9) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore invt. (. under t) et pinxit. / The mariage Ceremony performed in Mr. (. under r) B.’s own Chappel / by Mr. (. under r) Williams, Mr. (. under r) Peters giving her away, Mrs. (. under r) Jewkes waits / behind Pamela and the Maid keeps the door. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1st. (. under st) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: La Cérémonie du Mariage, dans la Chapelle, / de Mr. (. under r.) B. par Mr. (. under r) Williams; Mr. (. under r) Peters la presente, Jewkes / se tient derriere Pamela, et la ʃervante garde la porte.
printed in ink l.r.: A. Benoiʃt sculp. / 9.
(10) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela dressed in order to Mr. (. under r) B. at Sr. (. under r) Simon Darford’s, is prevented by the ʃudden / arrival of Lady Davers, who forcibly detains her, & loads her with bitterest reproaches that rage / & disdain could suggest. her Nephew is looking over Mr. (.under r) B.’s letter in her hand, Jewkes and the / Lady’s woman burst into the room to prevent mischeif, Colebrand is seen through ye. (. under e) window. / Published, according to Act of Parliament, July 1st. (. under st) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela habillée pour aller troùver Mr. (. under r) B. chez le Chevalier Darford, est arrêtee par l’arrivée / impréveue de My Lady Davers, qui la retient par force, l’accable des reproches les plus piquantes / que la colere et le mepris puiʃsent suggérer: son Neveu lit la lettre de Mr. (. under r) B. que sa tante tient a la main / Jewkes et la femme de chambre accourent au bruit. Colbrand est vu àu travers de fenêtres.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy sculp. / 10.
(11) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela asking the blessing of Sr. (. under r) Jacob Swinford, Mr B.’s Unkle, a rough old Fox-hunter, who / after the moʃt obstinate resolution to the contrary, relents, and becomes her great admirer. Mr. (. under r) B. / behind, whispering Lady Davers she now having conceived the highest esteem for her new (squiggle) / Sister. The Counteʃs, Lord Davers and his nephew being present. / Published, according to Act of Parliament. July 1st. (. under st) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela demande la bénédiction du Chevr. (. under r) Jacob Swinford, Oncle de Mr. (. under r) B. & vieux Chasseur, qui après / s’être le plus emporté contre ce mariage, devient, à la vuë de la personne et de la conduite de Pamela, son grand / admirateur. Mr. (. under r) B. est derriere qui parle à l’oreille de My Lady Davers, qui avoit depuis quelque tems, concu / pour la sa belle Sœur la plus haute estime, la Comteʃse, My Lord Davers et son Neveu étant présens.
printed in ink l.r.: L. Truchy sculp. / 11.
(12) printed in ink l.l.: Jos. Highmore inv. et pinx. / Pamela with her Children and Miʃs Goodwin to whom she is telling her nursery / tales. This last Piece leaves her in full poʃseʃsion of the peaceable fruits of her Virtue / long after having surmounted all of the difficulties It had been exposed to. / Published, according to Act of Parliament. July 1st. (. under st) 1762
printed in ink l.c.: Pamela avec ses enfans et Madselle (. under selle) Goodwin, à qui elle conte des historiettes morales. / Ce dernier tableau la laiʃse en pleine poʃseʃsion des fruites paisibles de sa vertu, long / tems après avoir surmonté toutes les difficultés auxquelles elle avoit été éxposée.
printed in ink l.r.: A. Benoist sculp. / 12.
Accession Number
International Prints / International Prints and Drawings
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Felton Bequest, 1921
Gallery location
Not on display