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Mortuary stela of Nebuhotep

Mortuary stela of Nebuhotep
1279 BCE-1213 BCE

76.0 × 41.5 × 10.5 cm irreg.
Place/s of Execution
Sedment, Egypt
carved in hieroglyphs l.l.: (translation: Adoration to thy 'ka' Osiris, lord of the west, the great god, the excellent god, prince of eternity. May he give bread, breath and water to the Osiris. 'Nebuhotep', justified in peace. May the king give an offering and Osiris Khenti, lord of heaven, for the 'ka' of 'Tem-hetep' and purification of the 'ka' of the Osiris, ruler of the city, vizier, 'Rahotep'. The great god in his throne listen to the 'wab' priest, reciter, 'Nebuhetep', justified)
Accession Number
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Presented by the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1921
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of Digitisation Champion Ms Carol Grigor through Metal Manufactures Limited
Gallery location
Ground Level, NGV International
Physical description
Stela, in two pieces (now joined), one face decorated and inscribed, the back and sides rough. The decoration is divided into two parts. In the upper part, on the left, is the god Osiris, seated on a platform in the shape of the hieroglyphic letter 'm' (truth). He wears the 'atef' crown and holds the crook and flail. In front of Osiris, at the front of the platform, is an open blue lotus flanked by buds on tall stems. Supported by the flowers are four small figures of the Sons of Horus, possibly all human-headed, and facing away from Osiris. On the right hand side, facing Osiris, is a large figure wearing sandals and a long robe, from chest to ankles, with a strap around the neck. He appears to have a shaven head and his arms are raised in adoration. Behind the deceased are what resemble two streamers. There are four short lines of text, badly preserved, located between the two main figures, level with their heads. Above the crown of Osiris is the tip of a wing, probably from a winged sun's disc, which would have occupied the top of the stela. The lower scene comprises the kneeling figure of Nebuhotep, wearing a long wig and elaborate pleated knee-length dress which is diaphanous at the torso. He is bare-footed, wears two wristlets and also possibly a collar. He kneels in the position of adoration, with arms upraised, and in front of him are four long and one short line of text, with Nebuhotep's name over his head. Part of the top and right hand corner of the stela are missing.