Collection Online
4.6 × 51.7 × 31.4 cm
Place/s of Execution
Vallauris, France
edition of 250
impressed in base c.r.: MADOURA / (fire) / PLEIN / FEU
impressed in base c.r.: EMPREINTE / ORIGINALE DE / PICASSO
Accession Number
International Decorative Arts
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by John and Cecily Adams. 2019
© Sucession Picasso/Copyright Agency
Gallery location
Late 19th & early 20th Century Paintings & Decorative Arts Gallery
Level 2, NGV International
About this work

On 5 June 1952 Picasso produced six of these large oblong dishes, each decorated with a goat’s head in profile and surrounded by a decorative border. The dishes are over half a metre long and represent some of the largest works that Picasso made. Each dish varies in its decorative detailing and colour scheme and the present example is one of the most decorative examples of the series.