Collection Online
ungaire (swamp reed), shells
84.4 × 20.7 × 7.7 cm (variabe)
Place/s of Execution
Brisbane, Queensland
Accession Number
First Nations Australia
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by Barbara Hay, 2019
© the artist, courtesy Onespace Gallery
Gallery location
Not on display
About this work

Gulayi – Quandamooka Women’s dillybag is a looped and knotted bag, inspired by a bag held in the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. The label that accompanied the bag at the Pitt Rivers Museum stated that it had been collected ‘from the scene of a massacre’. Gulayi – Quandamooka Women’s dillybag is woven in the spirit of regenerating traditional Quandamooka weaving practices, many of which were dormant as a result of colonisation.