49 leaves, sewn together and into faded blue paper wrapper
18.4 × 11.3 cm (page) 18.4 × 11.7 × 1.0 cm (overall dimension of book)
Place/s of Execution
London, England
printed in ink (in image) THEATRV MVLIERVM, / sive / VARIETAS ataβ DIFFERENtia / Habituum Fæminei Sexus, di= / =uersorum Europæ Nationum / hodierno Tempore vulgo in vsu, / a Wenceslao Hollar, etc. Bohemo / delineatæ, et contains 48 Prints, price 4 s. / W. H / (coat of arms) / Published by LAURIE + WHITTLE. 58 Fleet Street / London