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Tales of Shinran

Tales of Shinran
(Shinran Shonin no engi 親鸞聖人の縁起)
(17th century)

ink, pigments, gold on silk paper
(a-d) 135.0 × 79.1 cm (image) (each)
Place/s of Execution
(d) inscribed in black ink on reverse u.c: 尾谷本願寺親鸞聖人縁起 (おたにほんがんじしんらんしょうにねんき)
inscribed in black ink on reverse u.l: 前大僧正一如(朱印)書 (stamped seal) (さきのだいそうじょういちにょ(しゅいん)しょ)
inscribed in black ink on reverse u.r: 山城国洛陽六条佛願寺 (やましのくにらくようろくじょうぶつがんじ)
inscribed in black ink on reverse: 願主 / 釋 / 澄哲 (がんしゅ / しゃく / ちょうてつ)
inscribed in black ink on reverse: 寄進(きしん)
inscribed in black ink on reverse: 性智坊 / 釋 / 宗哲 (しょうちぼう / しゃく . そうてつ)
Accession Number
Asian Art
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, 1945
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of The Gordon Darling Foundation
Gallery location
Not on display