Collection Online
Shirai Gompachi
colour woodblock
36.8 × 25.1 cm (image and sheet)
Place/s of Execution
Edo (Tokyo), Japan
printed in ink (in Japanese characters) (in image) u.r.: (description of scene of the picture)
printed in ink (in Japanese characters) (in image) l.r.: (Ninko Toyokuni ga enclosed in Toshidarma cartouche) / (date seal) / (engraver's seal)
printed in ink (in relief of right side of inscription) (in Japanese characters) (in image) l.l.: (Ebi suya Shoshichi's seal: publisher)
Accession Number
Asian Art
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of Coles Myer Ltd, Governor, 1993
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of The Gordon Darling Foundation
Gallery location
Not on display