Collection Online
ink on paper
180.6 × 96.8 cm (image and sheet)
Place/s of Execution
Hong Kong
inscribed in brush and ink on image (in Chinese characters) u.l.: (yimou (1975), Ding Yanyong)
stamped in red ink on image l.l.: (the square red seal of a tiger - the year the artist was born, as well as the year 1975 the painting was made) / (a square seal of the head of an ox)
Accession Number
Asian Art
Credit Line
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by Westpac Banking Corporation and NGV Supporters of Asian Art, 2010
© Estate of Ding Yanyong
This digital record has been made available on NGV Collection Online through the generous support of The Gordon Darling Foundation
Gallery location
Not on display