The Break<br/>

Friday Nights at Italian Masterpieces – The Break

This week, THE BREAK are performing at Friday Nights at Italian Masterpieces. We asked Jim Moginie, Brian Ritchie and Rob Hirst a couple of questions about music and art. Book now.


Describe your sound in 5 words or less?

JM: Majestic, billowing, ageless, futuristic, symphonic.

BR: Slamming, pounding, throbbing surf noise.

RH: Surf sci-fi spag west.

If your music was an artwork what would it look like?

JM: A Pollock.

BR: Abstract Expressionism on a surf board.

RH: A Hokusai wave.


Who’s your favourite artist/artwork?

JM: My 8 year old, who draws beautifully and is as free as a bird from tradition

BR: Caravaggio

RH: Minnie Pwerle

What’s your favourite gig you have played to date?

JM: Two gigs we did on the SPACEFARM tour… GoMA in Brisbane and Woodford Festival.

BR: My favourite gig is the one I’ll be playing at the NGV.

RH: Woodford Festival

What inspires/influences your music the most?

JM: The music of Link Wray, Schoenberg and Sun Ra

BR: We like to paint pictures with our sound. Letting the people into our sound world and taking their minds on a trip through involuntary processes.

RH: inner ocean/outer space

What song do you wish you wrote?
JM: Telstar

BR: Happy Birthday. Big royalties on that one.

RH: Bombora (the Atlantics)

What part of making music excites you the most?

JM: The initial inspiration. It’s a drug I’m hooked on.

BR: I like the unexpected decisions made in the moment of improvisation. I also like the physicality of the craft part of music making.

RH: Recording/performing

What can a punter expect from your live show?

JM: To be transported to another dimension

BR: A thrilling ride through a musical kaleidoscope.

RH: Powerful instrumental-experimental-visual music

Tell us about the last song you wrote?

JM: It involved a rhinoceros, a tea cosy and Andrew Bolt in the third verse

BR: The last song I wrote is called One Note One God. It has one note.

RH: Space Farm – title track of the last album – a f***ing modern psychedelic cosmic anthem!

The collection of the Spanish royal family formed the basis of the Prado Museum collection. If you could develop a collection including any artists past or present, who would be your top three?

JM: Goya, Ian Abdulla and John Coburn

BR: Prado already has Hieronymus Bosch. That would be one. The others would be Enku, the Japanese sculptor, and Victor Brauner.

RH: Pablo Picasso; Henry Moore; Brett Whiteley.