
The NGV’s Los Caprichos impressions are printed on fine quality, off-white, laid paper that was probably sourced from Genoa in Italy’s Ligurian region.49 In 1798 Goya was commissioned by King Carlos IV to decorate the small chapel of San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid and documents reveal he billed the king for 750 sheets of paper from Genoa.50 Considering Goya’s known working practices for painting frescoes, it is unlikely all the paper purchased would have been used for the preliminary fresco drawings, but each imperial size sheet could have been cut into six separate paper supports of the size used to produce Los Caprichos.51 Goya used a range of foreign papers for his drawings, however after 1810 when Napolean’s troops invaded Spain, paper was extremely difficult and expensive to obtain from foreign countries. It is probably for this reason Goya used paper from the Capellades region to produce his working proofs for Desastres de la Guerra.

In preparation for the exhibition Reason and Folly The Prints of Francisco Goya, displayed at NGV in 1998, the NGV Paper Conservation studio took beta-radiographs of all Goya impressions containing watermarks and countermarks.52 A watermark is a distinctive logo of a papermill that is integrated into the paper at the time it is made and is often accompanied by a countermark which is the name of the papermill or paper maker. This study revealed the NGV‘s first edition impressions of La Tauromaquaia contain the BARTOLOME MONGELOS countermark, the MORATO countermark and the SERRA countermark, all originating from the Capellades region of Spain.54 (See figs. 40 and 41). As Goya was closely involved in the printing of this series, it is assumed he was responsible for the choice of paper and his selection is likely to have related to supply and availability, purpose of use, and perhaps a conscious desire to support local craftsmen and industry.53

Francisco GOYA y Lucientes<br/>
<em>Charles V spearing a bull in the ring at Valladolid</em> (c. 1815-1816); 1816 {published} <!-- (recto) --><br />
<em>(Carlos V. lanceando un toro en la plaza de Valladolid)</em><br />
plate 10 from <i>La Tauromaquia (The Art of Bullfighting)</i> series (c. 1815&ndash;16), published 1816<br />
etching, burnished aquatint, drypoint and burin<br />
20.8 x 30.7 cm (image) 24.9 x 34.9 cm (plate) 26.7 x 37.0 cm (sheet)<br />
1st edition<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Presented by the National Art-Collections Fund, 1919<br />
1998.255.10<br />

Fig: 40: SERRA watermark from Francisco GOYA, Carlos V. lanceando un toro en la plaza de Valladolid (Charles V spearing a bull in the ring at Valladolid), c. 1815-1816; published 1816, plate 10 from La Tauromaquia (The art of bullfighting) series. Santiago Serra’s first papermill was established on the Carme River in the Capellades region of Spain.
Francisco GOYA y Lucientes<br/>
<em>The same man throws a bull in the ring at Madrid</em> (c. 1815-1816); 1816 {published} <!-- (recto) --><br />
<em>(El mismo vuelca un toro en la plaza de Madrid)</em><br />
plate 16 from <i>La Tauromaquia (The Art of Bullfighting)</i> series (c. 1815&ndash;16), published 1816<br />
etching, burnished aquatint, drypoint and burin<br />
20.7 x 31.0 cm (image) 24.9 x 35.4 cm (plate) 26.8 x 37.0 cm (sheet)<br />
1st edition<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Presented by the National Art-Collections Fund, 1919<br />
1998.255.16<br />

Fig 41: MORATO watermark from Francisco GOYA, El mismo vuelca un toro en la plaza de Madrid (The same man throws a bull in the ring at Madrid), c. 1815-1816; published 1816, plate 16 from La Tauromaquia (The art of bullfighting) series. Antoni Morato succeeded the paper-maker Ramon Morgades at the Torrelles de Foix paper mill in the Capellades region of Spain at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
3 years ago