
Senior Years Activity

Lam and Giacometti and their Sources of Inspiration

Alberto GIACOMETTI - Nose 1947, cast 1965

Swiss 1901–66
Le Nez 1947, cast 1965
bronze, wire, rope, and steel, ed. 5/6
81.0 x 97.5 x 39.4 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
© Alberto Giacometti/ADAGP, Paris. Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia


Wifredo LAM - Zambezia, Zambezia 1950

Wifredo LAM
Cuban 1902–82
Zambezia, Zambezia 1950
oil on canvas
125.4 x 110.8 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Gift, Mr. Joseph Cantor
© Wifredo Lam/ADAGP, Paris. Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia


Senior Years Students


VCE Art/Studio Arts


To understand artistic sources of inspiration.


To do this activity you will need to:

Individual Task

Which cultural influences do you see in these works by Giacometti and Lam?

Research Questions

Research the Surrealist movement and its characteristics.

Research an Australian artist who has been influenced by Surrealism, for example look at the work of James Gleeson or Peter Booth. What influences can you find in their work to suggest that Surrealism has been a major source of inspiration?

Group Task

Giacometti was a great friend of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir whose philosophy of Existentialism also had an influence on Wifredo Lam. Discuss the meaning of Existentialism and how it might have influenced artists in the postwar era.

What links can be made between the works of Giacometti and your understanding of Existentialism?

Group Discussion

What tendencies can you find in either the work of Lam or Giacometti that indicate these artists are interested in Surrealist ideas?

Commentaries on Giacometti’s Nose often make reference to war. Do you think this is a reasonable link to make? Discuss.