
Senior Years Activity

Materials and Techniques

Marina ABRAMOVIC - Cleaning the Mirror #1 1995

Yugoslavian 1946–
Cleaning the Mirror #1 1995
5-channel video installation with stacked monitors, with sound, edition 2/3
284.48 x 62.23 x 48.26 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members: Edythe Broad, Elaine Terner Cooper, Linda Fischbach, Ronnie Heyman, J. Tomilson Hill, Dakis Joannou, Barbara Lane, Peter Norton, Willem Peppler, Alain-Dominique Perrin, David Teiger, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk
© Marina Abramovic/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia


Senior Years Students




To analyse how materials and techniques are used to create meaning in a contemporary artwork.


To do this activity you will need:

Individual Task

While viewing Marina Abramavic's Cleaning the Mirror #1 1995:

  • Carefully, list all the objects and actions that Abramovic uses to make this piece. Describe what Abramovic is doing in the five television screens.
  • Do these objects and actions help you to understand what Abramovic is trying to communicate? Explain your answer.
  • What do you think is the most important element of the piece – the artist, the action of cleaning or the skeleton? Why?
  • The work is entitled Cleaning the Mirror #1. What exactly does this work mirror?
  • Do you think cleaning and skeletons are potent symbols? Why? What do you think the skeleton symbolises in this work?
  • How does Abramovic use repetition and movement in Cleaning the Mirror #1 1995? Describe aspects of the work.


Discussion Questions

Discuss your observations with others and elaborate on your own answers.