This edition of the Art Bulletin of Victoria 23 features essays that examine a wide range of works from the NGV’s collection.

Highlights include: Jane Clark and Patrick McCaughey’s discussion of the French eighteenth-century painter François Boucher; an essay by Ronald G. Hood titled ‘A new Greek vase c. 700 B.C.’; and Roger Ward’s analysis of the red chalk drawing Study of a man in contemporary costume by Baccio Bandinelli.

Also included in this issue is an essay by Margaret Plant looking at the life and work of Australian artist Fred Williams, Irena Zdanowicz’s discussion of Claude Lorrain’s A wooded landscape, Memory Holloway’s examination of Mark Rothko’s Untitled (Red); Annette Dixon provides an analysis of Jean Dubuffet. Additionally, Jennifer Phipps looks at the work of Frederick McCubbin.

We trust you will enjoy the insights offered into our collection through these articles.