This edition of the Art Bulletin of Victoria 32 encompasses essays discussing works from a variety of areas of the NGV’s collection:

Pamela Gerrish Nunn discusses the social and political phenomenon of emigration from Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, and the profusion of painting and prints it inspired, namely Marshall Claxton’s An emigrant’s thoughts of home; Isobel Crombie presents an essay on the intriguing portrayal of Victorian Aborigines in Douglas T. Kilburn’s daguerreotype and the subsequent engravings derived from it; Alison Inglis and Cecilia O’Brien investigate the works of the Pre-Raphaelite artists of the mid-nineteenth century, focusing on William Holman Hunt and his versions of The Lady of Shallott from Tennyson’s poem; and Mark P. McDonald discusses the graphic context of Jusepe de Ribera’s The poet, ‘one of the most enigmatic, yet influential, etchings from the seventeenth-century’.

We are also pleased to include a fine technical examination of Paolo Veronese’s Nobleman between active and contemplative life by our very own painting conservator at the Gallery, John Payne.

We trust you will enjoy the articles and appreciate the breadth and depth of the contributors’ research and scholarship in this edition.