This edition of the Art Bulletin of Victoria 48 encompasses essays discussing works from a variety of areas of the NGV’s collection:

Sophie Matthiesson’s discussion on a recently acquired painting by Ben Nicholson, the heroic figure of the abstract movement in England; Ted Gott’s reflections on the forgotten Second World War artist Louis Duffy; and Humphrey Clegg and Stephen Gilchrist’s essay relating to the depictions of Aboriginal people, particularly by the colonial artist Robert Dowling.

We are also pleased to include an essay by Marcia Langton looking at the works of Brook Andrew; Zoë Willis’s discussion of the attribution of the NGV’s 18th century painting The Finding of Moses; Carl Villis’s reattribution of two previously inconspicuous paintings to works by Louis Tocqué and Bernardo Bellotto; as well as Ted Gott’s re-assessment of Degas’s painting Portrait of a woman.

We trust you will enjoy the articles and appreciate the breadth and depth of the contributors’ research and scholarship in this edition.

Judith Ryan, Commissioning Editor