Music in the Exhibition

The exhibition features a soundtrack that has been inspired by the life and times of Pierre Bonnard, featuring music by composers who were in Bonnard’s personal circle of friends and acquaintances, including Maurice Ravel and Claude Terrasse.

Terrasse married Bonnard’s sister Andrée in 1890, and Bonnard spent much time with the extended Terrasse family over the next decade in particular, enjoying family holidays at the Bonnard country property near Grenoble. Bonnard enjoyed his role as uncle to the Terrasse children, and his art of the 1890s includes many affectionate, and at times amusing, images of them.

For the exhibition, the NGV commissioned concert pianist Gemma Turvey to record Claude Terrasse’s compositions which were collectively published as Petites Scènes familières (Familiar Little Scenes) in 1895, with illustrations by Bonnard. You can listen to some of these tracks below:

About Gemma Turvey

Gemma Turvey is a pianist, composer and educator, well known for bridging musical traditions. She has performed nationally and internationally as a soloist, ensemble leader and creative collaborator spanning classical, jazz and contemporary music genres. Gemma was founder and artistic director of innovative chamber ensemble The New Palm Court Orchestra (NPCO) based in Melbourne, Australia from 2011–2019. As an educator Gemma has been guest teacher at Juilliard School of Music, and is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia Conservatorium of Music. Gemma is a Yamaha Artist.

“It has been a joy to bring to life these delightful piano works by Claude Terrasse. Each vignette has its own colour and mood which I have at times accentuated by transposing into a different octave or by playing with different tempi. I hope you too enjoy them.”