Azuma Makoto <em>Drop time</em> 2023 (still), from the <em>A Chaotic Garden project</em> 2023, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Purchased with funds donated by Bagôt Gjergja Foundation, Andrew Penn AO and Kallie Blauhorn, Michael Buxton AMand Janet Buxton, Paul and Samantha Cross, Anthony and Clare Cross, Cameron Oxley and Bronwyn Ross and the Woods5 Foundation, 2023<br/>
© Azuma Makoto

03 8620 2340, 9am–5pm weekdays

Terms and Conditions

Please note the following terms and conditions prior to booking:

  • All bookings are confirmed at time of booking. Tentative bookings are not accepted
  • Invoices will be issued by NGV prior to visit. Payment must be paid at least one week prior to the visit
  • Requests to amend confirmed booking details (such as change to participant numbers), must be made by email at least 14 days prior to visit.
  • Full program fees will be incurred for late cancellations or amendments.
  • No refund for variance in student number during visit.
  • Students must be supervised at all times by a teacher or adult.

Image Map

Image Map