Prospero FONTANA<br/>
<em>Holy Family with Saint Jerome, a female martyr and the infant Saint John the Baptist</em> (c. 1552-1555) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on wood panel<br />
102.2 x 82.8 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1961<br />
839-5<br />


Tell Me About… Mannerism
Virtual lesson

Did you know that the terms Baroque and Impressionism were initially used to criticise these artistic styles? And what is Mannerism or Rococo? Host and NGV curator Laurie Benson journeys through art history to introduce the context and characteristics of some of the defining and exciting movements in this new series. This week we look at the traits and tropes of Mannerism (c.1520 – 1590).

Laurie Benson, Curator, International Art, NGV

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