Jeff WALL<br/>
Canadian 1946-<br/>
<em>The Destroyed Room</em> 1978<br/>
transparency in light box, AP <br/>
159.0 x 234.0 cm <br/>
Collection of the artist<br/>
© Jeff Wall
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Canadian 1946-
Media Release • 20 Nov 12

Jeff Wall Photographs

This summer the National Gallery of Victoria will present a survey of the work of contemporary photographer Jeff Wall.

Jeff Wall Photographs will bring together twenty-six of the artist’s works from the 1970s to the present day.

NGV Director Tony Ellwood said Jeff Wall is widely recognised as one of the most innovative artists working today.

“We are very pleased to have worked with the Art Gallery of Western Australia to bring Jeff Wall’s extraordinary photographs to the Southern Hemisphere for the first time,” said Mr Ellwood.

“Jeff Wall Photographs is part of our exciting NGV Summer program. It will be on display at the same time as the Thomas Demand exhibition at NGV International and we are offering a two-for-one deal, so visitors can experience the work of two major artists of international contemporary artists for one ticket price,” said Mr Ellwood.

Dr Isobel Crombie, Coordinating Curator, said Jeff Wall has frequently been called a modern storyteller and his work is shaped by his profound awareness of Western art and literature.

“One strand of his practice is conceptual and involves small-scale, modest and thoughtful observations of ‘things’ that appear to have been photographed in situ. The other strand comprises more complex activities, usually involving people, which are then carefully re-enacted for the camera,” said Dr Crombie.

This exhibition will present the diversity of Jeff Wall’s photographic practice; from large scale photographs back lit by light boxes, some as big as 2 by 3 metres, to smaller prints. A highlight of the exhibition will be the major light box transparency works including AfterInvisible Man’ by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue 1999–2000 and the extraordinary, A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai) 1993.

Jeff Wall Photographs is an exhibition organised by the Art Gallery of Western Australia in association with the National Gallery of Victoria. It will be on display at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Federation Square.

Admission fees apply: Adult $15, Concession $12, Child $7. Ticket entry will also gain access to the Thomas Demand contemporary photographic exhibition at NGV International.


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Support Sponsors:
Sofitel Melbourne On Collins

Supported by the NGV Business Council 


