Waterwall, NGV International, St Kilda Road, Melbourne. Photo: Timothy Herbert<br/>
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Media Release • 19 May 15

Lowy Institute for International Policy and the NGV: An Innovative Partnership

The Lowy Institute for International Policy and the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) have announced an innovative programming partnership.

The Lowy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan international policy think tank. Ranked as Australia’s leading think tank, it provides high – quality research and distinctive perspectives on the international trends shaping Australia and the world.

Inspired by a shared and passionate interest in high-quality research and ideas, the two-year partnership will see the NGV become the exclusive venue of all Lowy Institute events in Melbourne.

The gallery will host Lowy Institute at NGV events which will include lectures, discussions and more featuring leading international and Australian experts. The series will provide a platform for Victorians to discuss key global issues in a unique and stimulating environment, and link with current NGV exhibitions and displays.

“I am very proud to announce this exciting partnership between two of Australia’s leading ‘ideas’ institutions,” said Dr Michael Fullilove, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute. “The NGV is a world-class exhibitor of art, culture, and contemporary ideas. There is natural fit between the NGV and Lowy Institute, which is dedicated to the work of examining the big issues shaping global politics and to provide fresh ideas for Australian decision-makers.”

“We look forward to welcoming the Lowy Institute to the NGV and drawing upon the Institute’s renowned expertise to present this exciting new event series in Melbourne,” said NGV Director Mr Tony Ellwood.

Upcoming events include an examination of Australian attitudes to foreign policy issues revealed through the 2015 Lowy Institute Poll and a lecture on Australia-India relations from the Lowy Institute’s Distinguished International Fellow, Shyam Saran.

Visit ngv.vic.gov.au for further information.

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