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Media Release • 8 Oct 20

NGV Triennial 2020

Porky Hefer (designer)
Southern Guild, Cape Town (fabricator)
Buttpus designed 2019, manufactured 2020
from the Plastocene – Marine Mutants from a Disposable World 2020
felted karakul wool, industrial felt, canvas, leather, sheepskin, salvaged hand-tufted wool carpet, recycled PEP stuffing, foam, steel
1512.0 x 1512.0 x 328.0 cm
Frame manufacturer: Streetwires
Felting: Ronel Jordaan Textiles
Sewer & pattern maker: M Clothing
Assembly: Wolf & Maiden Creative Studio
Karakul wool sponsored by Jonay Wool Carding
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Barry Janes and Paul Cross, Neville and Diana Bertalli, 2020
© Porky Hefer / Image courtesy of Porky Hefer and Southern Guild
Installation view of Alicja Kwade's WeltenLinie, 2017 at Space Shifters, Hayward Gallery, London, 2018
© Courtesy of the artist and Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo / Image credit: Hayward Gallery, London / Photo: Mark Blower
Atong ATEM
Paanda (2015); (2019) {printed}
from the Studio series 2015
digital type C print
84.1 x 59.4 cm (image) 92.8 x 63.2 cm (sheet)
ed. 5/10
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, Victorian Foundation for Living Australian Artists, 2019
© Atong Atem, courtesy Mars Gallery, Melbourne
Jeff Koons
Venus 2016–20 (render)
mirror-polished stainless steel with transparent colour coating
254.0 x 144.5 x 158.4 cm
Edition 1/3 + 1 A/P
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by Loti & Victor Smorgon Fund, Leigh Clifford AO & Sue Clifford, John Higgins AO & Jodie Maunder, Paula Fox AO & Fox Family Foundation, Professor AGL Shaw AO Bequest and NGV Foundation, 2020
© the artist and Gagosian
Installation render of Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokyo and Paris (architecture studio); Kengo Kuma (designer); Geoff Nees (artist) Botanical pavilion 2020 Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Connie Kimberley and Craig Kimberley OAM, 2020 and Lee Ufan, Dialogue, 2017, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Purchased with funds donated by Andrew and Judy Rogers and Professor AGL Shaw AO Bequest, 2020
Image courtesy of Kengo Kuma and Geoff Nees
© Kengo Kuma and Geoff Nees / © Lee Ufan, courtesy of Pace Gallery
Misaki Kawai
Arty 2011
Mixed media
400.0 x 650.0 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Malmö Konsthall, Sweden
Adam Nathaniel Furman (architect)
Sibling Architecture, Melbourne (architecture studio)
Boudoir Babylon 2020 (render)
330.0 x 580.0 x 580.0 cm (overall)
wood, paint, high density foam, steel, digital print, vinyl
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
© Adam Nathaniel Furman and Sibling Architecture. Render courtesy of Adam Nathaniel Furman and Sibling Architecture
Dhambit Munuŋgurr
Bees at Gäṉgän 2019
synthetic polymer paint on Stringybark (Eucalyptus sp.)
194.0 x 117.0 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Orloff Family Charitable Trust, 2020
© Dhambit Mununggurr, courtesy Salon Indigenous Art Projects, Darwin
Portrait of Francesca Jaiyeola for Hannah Brontë EYE HEAR U MAGIK 2020
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Proposed acquistion with funds donated by Vicki Vidor OAM and Peter Avery, 2020
© Hannah Brontë / Photo: Kate O'Sullivan
Refik Anadol Studio
Refik Anadol
Quantum memories 2020 (render)
custom software, quantum computing, generative algorithm with artificial intelligence (AI), real-time digital animation on LED screen, 4 channel sound
1015.0 x 1020.0 x 250.0 cm
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Loti & Victor Smorgon Fund and Barry Janes and Paul Cross, 2020
© Refik Anadol / Image courtesy of Refik Anadol
Alan 2020
Courtesy of the artist
© JR
Tomo Koizumi, Tokyo (fashion house)
Tomotaka Koizumi (designer)
Look 27, top and skirt, 2019 designed, 2020 made, autumn–winter 2019
polyester organza
200.0 x 150.0 cm (approx.)
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and Family, Tania and Sam Brougham, Tommy Hilfiger Australia, PVH Brands, Rob Gould, SIRAP Art Collective and donors to the 2020 NGV Annual Appeal, 2020
Courtesy of the designer
Photo: Steven Ferdman
Model: Lexi Boling
Des Lawrence
Henry Worsley 2019
enamel on aluminium
200.0 x 293.0 cm
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Neil Young QC, Jahn Buhrman, Suzanne Kirkham, E. & D. Rogowski Foundation and donors to the 2020 NGV Annual Appeal, 2020
© Des Lawrence / Image courtesy the artist and White Cube, London / Photo: White Cube, Theo Christelis
Liam Young
Planet City 2020 (render)
colour digital video, sound, 15 min
Visual effects supervisor: Alexey Marfin
Original score: Matthew Barnes/Forest Swords
Lead researcher: Case Miller
Visual effects: Case Miller, Aman Sheth,Vivian Komati
Main costume assistant: Courtney Mitchell
Costume assistant: Ela Erdogan
Costume artists: Holly McQuillian, Aneesa Shami, Janice Arnold, Yeohlee Teng
Cinematography: Stewart Addison
Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Proposed acquisition with funds donated by Bagôt Gjergja Foundation, 2020
© Liam Young