David Chesworth & Sonia Leber

David Chesworth, born 1958, Stoke, United Kingdom; lives and works in Melbourne. Sonia Leber, born 1959, Melbourne, Victoria; lives and works in Melbourne. Collaborating since 1996, sound, video and installation artists David Chesworth and Sonia Leber’s recent exhibitions and performances include Almost Always Everywhere Apparent, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 2007; Space-Shifter, Conical, Melbourne, 2009, and Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, 2011; Richter/Meinhof-Opera, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, 2010, and Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 2012; We, the Masters, City Square, Melbourne, 2011; The Way You Move Me, Spaced: Art Out of Place, Fremantle Arts Centre, 2012; Animal/Human, UQ Art Museum, Brisbane, 2012; The Social Life of Things, MADA Gallery, Monash University, Melbourne, 2012; and Detached, MONA FOMA, Hobart, 2012. Recent permanent public art installations include Proximities, William Barak Bridge, Melbourne, 2006; Landing Place, Botany Bay National Park, Sydney, 2009; and Field Formation, AAMI Park, Melbourne, 2010. In 2011, Chesworth and Leber were finalists in the Melbourne Prize for Urban Sculpture.

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