Virginia Fraser

Destiny Deacon, born 1957, Maryborough, Queensland; lives and works in Melbourne. Virginia Fraser, born Melbourne, Victoria; lives and works in Melbourne. Destiny Deacon, of the K’ua K’ua and Erub/Mer peoples, completed a Bachelor of Arts (Politics) at the University of Melbourne in 1979 and a Diploma of Education at La Trobe University in 1981. Her work featured in Documenta 11, Kassel, Germany, 2002, and the 10th Bienal de La Habana, Cuba, 2010. The survey exhibition Destiny Deacon: Walk and Don’t Look Blak, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, 2004, toured to Melbourne, Noumea, Wellington and Tokyo. Virginia Fraser is an artist, writer, editor and curator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) from Phillip Institute of Technology, Melbourne, and a Master of Fine Arts by research from the Victorian College of the Arts. Her art practice consists mainly of video and installation works, often made in collaboration with Deacon. Fraser edited A Book About Australian Women (1974); Screw Loose: An Uncalled for Memoir by Peter Blazey (1997); and Central Business Dreaming (2008).

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