Greg More

Greg More is an expert in data visualisations that connect art, design and technology. His design work has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and selected for the onedotzero and Resfest international film festivals. He is the founder of OOM Creative, Melbourne, and Senior Lecturer at RMIT University.

More's data tapestry for Melbourne Now's ZOOM project, developed in collaboration with sound artist Marco Cher-Gibard, re-imagines the concept of a city through a series of data visualisations, exploring ecologies, demographics and infrastructure through data. As a system it presents an unfolding and temporal projection of historic and real-time information. By connecting visual and sonic forms of data representation it illustrates the City of Melbourne – at different scales – through a series of changing data-scapes. The tapestry incorporates custom-designed software, four high-definition projections and a multichannel spatial sound installation.

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