Marian Hosking

Born 1948, Melbourne; lives and works in Melbourne.

Marian Hosking’s training began with a Diploma of Art, Gold and Silversmithing, RMIT, Melbourne in 1969, followed by a Master of Arts and a PhD in Gold and Silversmithing from Monash University in 1999. Recent group exhibitions include Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne and Design Museum, London, 2012–13; Collect2012, Saatchi Gallery, London, 2012; and Treasure Room Australia, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, 2010. Recent solo exhibitions include Marian Hosking – Vessels, Galerie Ra, Amsterdam in 2011 and Beyond Floral, Workshop Bilk, Canberra in 2010. In 2012 Hosking was the recipient of The Cicely & Colin Rigg Contemporary Design Award at the National Gallery of Victoria.

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