Explore Projects

NGV Australia
Now Number 592

Michelle Ussher

Michelle Ussher was born in 1975 in New South Wales and currently lives and works in London. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) at RMIT University in 1999, followed by a Bachelor of Fine Art (Drawing) at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2002. Ussher’s paintings, drawings and sculptural works reflect her ongoing interest in Neo-Symbolism and Surrealism. Her mysterious forms and figures are charged with a sense of ethereality and otherworldliness, hinting at imagined narratives and dreamlike scenarios.
Poised precariously on a tripod of stilt-like legs, Amaurots mirror, 2012, is a recent porcelain sculpture that extends Ussher’s interest in psychological interiority and the uncanny. Its biomorphic head with multiple faces, hollow eyes and swollen, protruding lips makes for a confounding form that invites various possible interpretations. As Ussher writes:
I’m attracted to the intangible, to the possibility of multiple ideas existing together that are open in their curiosity, rather than offering a closed definition ... my work exploits the pleasure of fictional narratives and the indulgent enjoyment of serendipity.

Project Artists

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